The Crow’s Lesson

by Avery, 5th grade

On one beautiful, sunshiny morning, a crow was soaring over a tall, marble palace. She peered beside the building and into a beautiful garden with a variety of bright colors, where a group of peacocks were, with their elegant, multi-colored feathers spread out behind them like a deck of cards.

“My feathers are so dull,” muttered the crow, peering down at the birds with envy. She bolted down onto the wet, newly-trimmed grass and continuously plucked as many stray feathers from the peacocks on the ground as she could and put them onto her tail.

Then, the crow boldly raced to the garden where the peacocks were, feeling prettier than ever. But the peacocks noticed right away that she was nothing but an imposter. “You look hilarious!” one loudly cackled, pointing at one of the crow’s fake feathers, which had detached from her tail.

The peacocks slowly approached the crow and pecked at her until she darted away, tears in her eyes, her body full of regret.

Moral: Don’t make yourself who you aren’t. You were made uniquely for a purpose.

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