Random Useless Facts…

compiled by The Lego Room staff from the internet and the internet never lies.

The severed head of a sea slug can grow a whole new body.

The moon has moonquakes.

Pineapple works as a natural meat tenderizer.

The wood frog can hold its pee for up to eight months.

Only two mammals like spicy food: humans and the tree shrew.

Rabbits can’t puke.

Cotton candy was invented by a dentist.

Pigeons can tell the difference between a painting by Monet and Picasso.

Space smells like seared steak.

The longest wedding veil was the same length as 63.5 football fields.

The unicorn is the national animal of Scotland.

Kids ask 300 questions a day.

Dolphins have been trained to be used in wars.

Water makes different pouring sounds depending on its temperature.

Koalas have fingerprints.

Riding a roller coaster could help you pass a kidney stone.

The legend of the Loch Ness Monster goes back nearly 1,500 years.

Chinese police use geese squads.

The Australian government banned the word “mate” for a day.

Napoleon was once attacked by thousands of rabbits.

You can sneeze faster than a cheetah can run.

The fire hydrant patent was lost in a fire.

Pluto technically isn’t even a year old.

In Germany, people help toads cross the road.

The man who founded Atari also started Chuck E. Cheese.

Crows holds grudges.

You can always “see” your nose.

Shaq only ever made one three-pointer.

America’s first bank robber deposited the money back into the same bank.

Germany uncovers 2,000 tons of unexploded bombs every year.

America accidentally dropped an atom bomb on South Carolina in 1958.

Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated.

Peanuts are one of the ingredients in dynamite.

The longest one-syllable word in the English language is the word “screeched.”

The word “school” comes from the Greek word that means “free time.”

It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.

In England, the Speaker of the House is not allowed to speak.

There are 336 dimples on a regulation golf ball.

The word “stewardesses” is the longest word that you can type with only your left hand.

The only domestic animal not mentioned in the Bible is the cat.

Around 16 million people alive today are direct descendants of Genghis Khan.

Honey is the only food that does not spoil.

It’s physically impossible for a pig to look up at the sky.

Most ice-cream contains pig skins.

Most lipstick contains fish scales.

Snails can sleep up to 3 years.

In zero gravity, a candle’s flame is round and blue.

Your cellphone carries up to ten times more bacteria than a toilet seat.

Farting helps to reduce blood pressure and is good for your overall health.

There are around 1,584 people in the United States named “Seven”.

Every year, women lose approximately 1.73 billion bobby pins.

Nobody knows who named our planet “Earth”.

 It’s possible to turn peanut butter into diamonds, and one man accomplished it.

The tool used to measure your feet at the shoe store is called a “Brannock Device.”

A blob of toothpaste is called a nurdle.

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