Top Ten Ice Cream Flavors

by Kylin and Laura

This list was inspired by Kylin’s mini-essay, Ice Cream Flavors!

  1. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
  2. Birthday Cake
  3. Peach
  4. Reece’s Peanut Butter
  5. Strawberry
  6. Mint
  7. Fudge Brownie
  8. Caramel
  9. Coffee
  10. Cookies and Cream

Ice cream is constantly consumed by millions of people, each loving different divine flavors. One of the most loved is the classic vanilla. By the way, it takes three whole gallons of milk to make one gallon of this creamy flavor. Secondly, we have the rich and dark chocolate. Chocolate ice cream’s recipe includes cocoa powder to give it that extra chocolatey punch. Lastly, but certainly not least, is the tasty cookies ‘n cream. This delicious type is made with crumbles of the mouthwatering Oreo crushed into it. Given these points, ice cream has appealing options for people craving any divine flavor! Kylin, 9th grade writing class

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